英语因果作文怎么写 写一段因果享受网上学习英语的英语作文

毕业照2022-08-21 15:09:491187




我是一个爱笑的女孩,无论何时,我都会笑口 常开,什么爽朗的笑、开心的笑、莫名其妙的笑……都与我紧紧相随。 我对于一切可笑之事,都会开怀大笑,而这一笑,常常会将我身边的同学一起拉下水,惹来老师的批评之后,又招来大家怪我诱惑他们的责怪。 有一次上英语课,老师教了两个单词:bus和 must,然后让每个同学去读。我同桌发音不准,结果由于语气生硬,我一听就成了“爸死”和“妈死”,于是忍不住大笑起来。全班同学在我的“率领”之下也哄堂大笑。老师屡禁却不止,到了一发不可收的地步,以致无法讲课,所以最后全班挨骂挨罚。老师特殊“照顾”我进了办公室,而我却仍然沉浸在刚才的事情里,神思恍然。老师在那里一直说,我却还想着“爸死妈也死”,结果“扑哧”一声笑了起来,英语老师差点没疯掉。 回到班级,大家又来责备我这个罪魁祸首。我自然是当仁不让,理直气壮地反驳:“我就爱笑,嘴长在我身上,想笑就笑呗。再者说了,我让你们笑了吗?管不住自己凭什么怪我?”这下,同学们哑口无言了,我又大笑起来,算为自己刚才的一番话庆贺吧。 仔细想一想,我之所以嗜笑如命,原因有二:一是父母的遗传。爸爸妈妈都是爱笑之人,从我记事到现在,从没见过他们皱眉头、不开心,他们的脸上永远都是阳光灿烂,好像天底下的好事都让他们遇上了,所以才会生下我这个正宗传人。二就是家庭的温馨与和睦。父母从不吵架,对我关爱有加,三个人的笑容构建了一个幸福又温暖的家,欢声笑语时时环绕,我没有理由不高兴啊! 我走到哪儿,笑声就如影随形跟到哪儿,常是未见我人,先闻我笑。大家也喜欢笑吗?那就让我们把笑进行到底吧,因为:笑一笑,十年少;心情好,烦恼跑。 因为笑一笑十年少,所以我爱笑。


Ears do not hear out of the window, one read only the books of sages ", which is the old saying, but as a student, we can not agree? The answer is obvious, absolutely do not agree. "All things are beneath contempt, the only high school for modern ideas, is it not desirable side. With the development of thinking in advance, now advocating is a fun learning. To learn to learn as a pleasure, I think this is a very important thing in the way of learning.

Learning can be a very enjoyable thing, this is the choice for your interest in learning, the choice of books. Learning as a task, there is no pressure to learn, to choose their own interest books, quiet music flowing, savor, something that is not a happy thing.

Can enjoy learning, learn to expand your horizons and make you a better understanding of the world, not limited to their own little world. Of course, if you want to be successful, of course, require painstaking efforts in which, when you do something you enjoy, you will feel hard to do? No matter how tired are worth it! Because you enjoy the fun in which others can not understand.


Why Do We Learn English


As the society is developing fast and China has joined the WTO,English is becoming a “bridge” of communication between China and the world outside.With the wide use of the Internet,it is necessary for people to learn English.Now,besides the native speakers,the number of people studying and using English is larger and larger in the world.English has become a real world language.As a middle school student,we learn English not only for the need of going to a high school and finding a job in the future,but also for the developing of our country.

The Advantage of Bicycle Riding





The option to start work straight after school is attractive for several reasons. Many young people want to start earning money as soon as possible. In this way, they can become independent, and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family. In terms of their career, young people who decide to find work, rather than continue their studies, may progress more quickly. They will have the chance to gain real experience and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession. This may lead to promotions and a successful career.





The over consumption of non-renewable resources can drive up the petrol price.This means that transport costs will increase considerably and that the energy bill is less affordable.The rising cost of living can reduce the quality of life.


The fast pace of life is another reason why our daily lives have created an enormous amount of waste. In a competitive society, people are occupied with their work, and seldom have time to do housework or prepare meals for themselves.The use of disposable products will increase because many people purchase ready-to-eat foods.This is why waste has accumulated.





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